Govt. has finally mustered courage to go for a bold and long-awaited treatment
of Indian Railways through fare hikes. The nasty politics of Railways has
already taken a heavy toll from this most important economic infrastructure. It
took over a decade to Govt. to revise passenger tariff but this is certainly
something which should ideally be done on yearly basis. It appears that
political leadership has lastly realized that railways can not survive with
populist policies and it is imperative to keep revising tariffs in order to
keep this mass public transport healthy and moving. For that, Govt. must follow
up this decision of fare-hikes with expeditiously establishing a mechanism
which keeps regulating the rail fares as per market modalities.
Railways is grappling with over-socialization and over-politicization of the
sector. A good chunk of Indian population depends on railways to commute
between far-off places. It was no doubt designed for the social benefit but gradually
our politicians made it a source of offering political freebies to allure
citizens. Political motives of various Govt. didn’t let the railways flourish with
the changing times. Railways Ministry failed to understand that it is an
economic infrastructure not a Govt. hospital or MNREGA scheme which can be run
on subsidized rates. Railways lies in one of the few most important and basic
infrastructures of any country. It is unfortunate that on one hand Indian
Railways is in dilapidated condition, on the other it is the most expensive
railways among other countries.
of the Govt. in Railways led it to the crisis it is facing now. It kept on
increasing freight fares and didn't touch passenger fares at all, just opposite
of what profit-making railways in other countries do. Govt. irrationally increased
its fares which resulted into squeezed cargo business of Railways. People
relies more on roads to carry their heavy goods and freight trains are used to
only carry perishable goods like coal, iron, grain, cereals and fertilizers. Consequently,
they don’t make much profit. Instead of freight fare hikes Govt. must think of
increasing freight carrying capacity so that the cargo business of railways can
is reeling under huge losses due to all round loss making operations in goods
and passenger segments which results in general level of low productivity.
Neither does it make profit nor provide safety and decent amenities to public. Modern
travelers are repelled from it and general public flooded it. Modernization of
the railways is a must. It is desirable that Ministry goes for network
expansion across the country and increase number of trains deployed. Well
facilitated platforms and coaches, dedicated corridors, double-decker trains
are also needed.
hikes for passenger trains is welcome but it is high time for Ministry of
Railways to realize the dire need of setting up Railway Tariff Regulatory
Authority. After all the decision of fixing freight and passenger fare must be
kept aloof from political meddling and be regulated by independent and
pragmatic authority. Political monopolization of the sector must also come to
an end and Public Private Partnership must be encouraged. All going on PPPs
projects must be expedited and scaled up. All this would only be possible if
Indian Railways falls in the ambit of someone who is genuinely concerned with
the economics of railways, not politics of the same.
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