it’s merely the prospect of a strong green shoot spontaneously fuelling the virtuous cycle of growth which can lead to a revived economy, certainly not legislative insight of legislatures.
Index of Industrial Production print at 2.5% has provided some relief to a
beleaguered Government and Reserve Bank of India who were constantly troubled
with sluggish industrial activity and sputtering growth. Reeling under the huge
pressure of massive gold and oil exports, recent steep fall in gold price and
decreased crude oil price has sparked the hope that India’s forex reserve will
boost leading to a declined Current Account Deficit. In addition, the most
significant green shoot favoring Indian economy is its assuaging inflation. Not
only wholesale Price Index lowered down to 5.6% in March from 6.2% a month
earlier, Consumer Price Index (CPI) has also dropped for the first time in six
months, though it remained in two digits at 10.4% in March against 10.9% in
Feb. Core inflation has fallen under the RBI’s tolerance limit being at 3.4%
and food inflation has also somewhat alleviated. However, RBI is still cautious
and refrained from adopting eased monetary stance in its Monetary Policy
released back on 3rd May 13. Going against the expectations of
industry and stock market, RBI cut the key interest rate by just 0.25% to 7.25%
and kept the liquidity enhancing cash reserve requirement untouched.
not relenting upon policy rates is justified as India’s data computation system
is not robust enough to produce micro-economic data and doesn’t give the clear
picture of how small industries are faring at any given time. Therefore, it
would be pertinent to wait for few more months in order to let the green shoots
keep shining and solidify. It must also be noted that it is not economic
constraints but escalating political-logjam that has bound the RBI to shower enthuse
in the market. In the words of RBI-Chief D. Subbarao “the effectiveness of
monetary policy in bringing down inflation pressures and anchoring inflation
expectations could be undermined by supply constraints in the economy,
particularly in the food and infrastructure sectors. Without policy efforts to
unlock the tightening supply constraints and bring enduring improvements in
productivity and competitiveness, growth could weaken even further and
inflationary strains could re-emerge.”
a Government dogged by scandals and corruption and an opposition hell-bent to
spew venom against former, it appears that India has landed into a permanent
crisis. It’s unfortunate that just because of petty political brinkmanship
resulting into precluded parliamentary proceedings hindered the discussion on
many important policy-decisions. Land acquisition bill, Foreign Direct
Investment in insurance bill etc have been languishing from one session to
another without getting tabled.
recovery indicators are surely palpable. Having been in the throes of slow
growth for long, this is exactly the time that India gears up to push reform
agendas ahead and make the most of what global and domestic buoyant sentiments
are offering. It must understand that economic slowdown is not as gruesome as
the political slowdown resulting into policy stalemate. Expecting prudence on
the part of Govt. and opposition at this time when general elections are round
the corner is definitely like nurturing a false hope. Nothing is going to be
done by these revered parliamentarians, it’s merely the prospect of a strong
green shoot spontaneously fuelling the virtuous cycle of growth which can lead to a revived economy, certainly not legislative
insight of legislatures.
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